miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

Response paper # 6 Shall we dance movie

As we know each culture has its own features ,so it makes that the world has a diversity of cultures.About the two movies watched in class, these showed us this diversity which involves several aspects.Such as:backgrounds,different viewpoints about similar situations.
I think that both movies tried to develop the same story but in a different way due to the culture.
We have to remember culture involves five dimensions:products, practices,communities,perspectives,and person.This according to the book teaching culture:perspectives in practice.So, perceptions are going to differ according to the culture.In here we have to take into account the time and the place,too.In order to understand more about culture.
The first movie showes us different characteristic about Japanese culture while in the second movie were showed characteristics of American culture.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Response paper#5 Cultural products( part third)

The part related with 5.4 learning culture:flowcharts .It is in blackboard,because I can not download flowchart in this blog.
So about 5.5 Teaching culture:personal reationship to cultural content
It is essential for a teacher to know about diversity and complexity in the classroom related with culture.In order to avoid offending out of ignorance.This implies knowing about dimensions of culture(products,practices,perspectives,communities,persons).So teacher must treat student as an individual and respect each student for who he or she is.If we as a teachers are unfamiliar with our own culture,we may learn more about it.Attending lectures,taking courses,among ther things.

Response paper#5 Cultural products( part two)

Learning culture:MAPS
As we know each culture has its own features and every community has its unique characteristics,too.So our environment should define the sense of place.For example the order,the materials used in the building,among other things.According to the book teaching culture:perspectives in practice,"places or physical setting are also cultural products.Places encompass use or interpretation of the physical features of the natural environment".So this can help us to know what type of people are living in a particular place and knowing a few about their culture.Generally,houses are made according to the necesities of people or according to the reality that they are living.Then,we can relate the environment to culture,too.

Response paper #5 Cultural products (part one)

This was my product did in the last class.This was created for a group of specialist and doctors.It's composed for a mix of ingredients and esences which come of nature.It can help in any type of cancer so in the future this desease won't be mortal.This will become like a common flu.
Practice on page 51:
1.What is it?
It's a bottle with special medicine which is special for people who are suffering cancer.
2.Where do you find it?
We can find in any drugstore around the country.
3.How do you use it?
You only have to drink a spoon of this liquid per day during two months.Only newborns or pregnant women must drink a little spoon per day during one month.Remember you have to use this product only in case that you are suffering cancer.
4.Which people use this?
People who are suffering any type of cancer.
5.Which groups of people use this object?
People with cancer
6.Why people use this?
Because this medicine can relief and curing the cancer
7.What significance does it have in the culture?
It improves the society health so we will have a longer life.Also,we will be able to spend more time with our loved ones.

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

Response paper #4:Culture in Second Language Teaching

Language reflects culture so we can say this is one aspect of culture.Then,it is important to learn about culture into the foreign language classroom in order to master the language and the cultural contexts in which the language occurs.
We have to know that effective communication is more than a matter of language proficiency.This involves also cultural competence.So it is necesary to know about culture.Besides,this can lead us to empathy and respect toward different cultures and the society in which the language is spoken.
According to the reading:"Culture must be fully incorporated as a vital componet o f language learning".Because this help us to learn what is appropiate to say to whom,and in what situations.So we as teacher must include in our classroom different activities and using authentic materials for teaching the importance of culture.Cultural information should be presented in a nonjudgmental.We must try to create a neutral space that learners can explore and reflect on their own perspectives to enable them to find their own voices in the second language speech community.

lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Response paper#1:How was the first lesson?

For me the first lesson was at the middle of the class very interesting because I got the real intention of the activities.Also,when the teacher started to explain about it.So I learned about different strategies that we as teachers can use in the class and also about culture diversity because in our class there are several cultures.
The first class was nice ,teacher used several dinamic activities which helped us to remain with a sharp mind.I didn't get bored .Besides,I learned some concepts.

Response paper# 2: how do your beliefs,values,and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave?

All these manage my way of behaving because all of them are like rules or norms which guide my behavior.As we know all these aspects depend on how we were raised.I think we developed beliefs,values according to our family morals or cultural tradition.So we live influenced by the different aspects that the culture involved.
well,I don't know if other people see me as a different or as outsider .I didn't feel that still but in case of that I think that there is no problem.Everybody is different ,in spite of we belong a similar culture .I think each one is unique with original characteristics so we have to be tolerant and respecting our differences.We can not pretend to be equal,culture diversity is amazing but we need to learn to respect the different aspects that this diversity involved.

Response Paper #3:Intelligent Educational Environments

The Intelligent Educational Environments sello verde was very interesting because I learned a lot of new things related with neuroscience.I didn't know nothing about this science.But now I know this studies the brain and this has provided breakthroughs in the way we view the brain revealing the diversity and complexity of the constituent neurons and circuits.So this can help us as a teacher because we can apply different techniques in our classes instead of the common ways.
Through the neuroscience the neuroscientists have made many discoveries of fundamental importance like developing strategies for therapeutic intervention in many human diseases.