martes, 6 de julio de 2010

Response paper seven: The values American live by

According to Roberth Khols there are thirteen basic values that americans live by which are:
personal control over the environment change and mobility,time and its control,equality and individulism,independence and privacy,self-help,competition and free enterpise,future orientation,optimism,action and work orientation,informality,directness,openness,materialism,among others.
All these are considerd as positive values.
Perhaps,freedom is the most important value
The values of children are developed in certain places like school,church,and other social places but values are heavily dependent upon the rearing that a child receives at home.
Americans see life like a race so people must run it in order to succeed.So,learning to compete is part of growing up.
In conclusion Americans are independent people who likes to have the control of everything.Besides,they like to have their own life by

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